Once Upon The Aire...

Storytelling Nights in Leeds, West Yorkshire

This website is no longer updated.

The storytelling club took place monthly from January 2008, until some time in mid-2012. Thanks to everyone who ever came along and listened to the tales - it was great fun while it lasted!

A Parcel O' Rogues

Andrew Macpherson

It's that scary time of year again - not, not Hallowe'en! We mean the night of the year when the top of Andrew's head hinges opens, and we get to see the strange machinations inside.

Tonight, Andrew will be telling stories all about folk with unusual names and stranger histories. Forgotten stars of the Silver Screen, pointless journeys, and very sore feet. Plus, you'll be amazed to hear what Biddy Mahone's husband got up to beneath the sea in a silly hat...

Plus, there will be an opportunity to hear stories "from the floor". If you have a story to tell please bring it along! As always, we welcome story-tellers new and old who will come to entertain us and keep the traditions alive.

Date and Time: 
Thursday, 3 November 2011 - 8:00pm
Entry Fee: 